Ruminations on the joys & trials of youth camp work in the Smokies

Monday, December 12, 2005

my backyard 12/12/05

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my backyard 12/12/05

 It's another beautiful day in the mountains!! hope to get out there for some bush-wacking today.

Do you need some time to reflect on what Jesus taught his desciples from that mountain-top (Matt 5 - 6 - 7)? There's no better place to sit and think and read about it, than on top of a mountain, with nothing in view but mountains.

How about reading Psalm 1, God wants us to be like a tree, under a grand-daddy oak that you have discovered on a ridge, surrounded by nothing but oaks and maples and mountain laurel?

and what better place to meditate on being a fisher of men, than you guessed it, out on a wilderness lake or stream.....

GET OUT MORE!! come unwind with me in my back yard.....


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