Ruminations on the joys & trials of youth camp work in the Smokies

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

girls these days 12/20/05

girls these days  12/20/05

 Is this a trend or just a random blip? has anyone else out there noticed this -- that teen girls are in trouble?

in just the last thirty days, young ladies we know have: run away from home (2), tried to commit suicide (2), gotten pregnant or tried (3), and rebelled against parents or network of Christian friends.

These are not just things we read about in the paper -- though a case could be made from social stats, crime numbers etc. These are all girls we know well, members of good Christian families, families we know personally.

What goes wrong -- what "big picture" type mistakes are we making with these girls? are we somehow driving them to make huge mistakes with their lives? it seems to me that more "systems" and safety nets are in place than ever before, Christian counseling, churches with specialized youth pastors, parental awareness sermons and seminars. What more needs to be done?

or are we (leaders, parents, friends, teachers) to blame at all? is it plain bald SIN, overload from the ol' foes of God's people, the world, the flesh and the devil? I know Satan is alive and real, and his agents are on the prowl for undefended lambs. And he is becoming more subtle, more tricky.

I believe Satan learns from his mistakes. He is not all-knowing. Thank God only God is. But he is very very sharp intellectually, and he has eternity past to learn from. He has learned how to use fault-lines in our culture, our media, our advertizing, to bring down families and especially our vulnerable young people. Boys as well as girls.

I also know how much plain ol' attention by a caring adult can make a difference. A good coach, teacher, and of course especially, DAD.

I have to say that I think a good CAMP can be a big help too. Christian camps offer year-round and life-long anchors, friends, follow-up, training. Skills that create confidence, and experiences that provide concrete examples of spiritual principles, principles that might otherwise remain vague theory until put to the test. A week of Bible camp means so much more than Sunday morning church attendance, and also much more than any length of entertainment-oriented program.

Get em to camp!! the sooner the better!! and come with them, be part of the solution.



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